Tuesday, 23 February 2016

I'm still me

Recently, I've been reading that if you're a mum and you do certain things like baking or cooking, there's a good chance you lost a piece of yourself when your child came along. 

You know what? I think that's a load of bull. 

Prior to Miss 4's arrival, I always used to cook and bake anyway. DH and I used to enjoy a range of my cooking experiments. One night, I made a Japanese feast from scratch. Another time, we had curry chicken parcels. Then there was the vegetable quiche.

Baking wasn't so high on my list of things to do. We're not huge sweet eaters normally. Since Miss 4 came along, I find we are getting into the kitchen together a whole lot more. 

She loves to make sweet things, but we always limit it to one sweet thing a week. And there's normally 4 days a week she doesn't eat things like that. 

I feel like the time we spend choosing what the weekly treat is, then making it (and taste testing it!) is important to OUR relationship. It is important to our values and the way WE want to raise her. 

But you know what? It's not for everyone. I'll admit there are times where I will be thinking, "Why did I get myself into this?" when the flour and sugar is spread over the bench. But the smiles and giggles from Miss 4 make it worthwhile for me.

Today, I moved even further outside of my traditional comfort zone. Whilst trying to *ahem* relieve myself, Miss 4 marched in with a Cooking with Peppa (or something like that) magazine and declared it had yummy stuff in it. And "May please can you make me this?"

A cheese and chive soufflé. Great. Eeeeek. Slight modification came about as she doesn't like chives, but I made it. And it was pretty nice. A bit rich, needed a salad to cut through the cheese and egg, but I felt accomplished. Successful even.

Had Miss 4 not used her manners and looked so cute, I never would have made it. Sure I'd have said how awesome it looked in the magazine or I may never have even seen it.

And I'm super proud of how it turned out. My picture was taken just as it was starting to settle, but geez it puffed up amazingly!

So to all my readers. Whether you bake or not, it doesn't matter. Do what you want. Chase your dreams. Don't let anyone tell you that you've lost part of yourself, or that you're not "rad". Be yourself. Love yourself (as much as you can - I understand some of us can't always do that). Enjoy your friends and family. 

Today, I've linked up with the ever wonderful Jess at Essentially Jess for IBOT. Happy Tuesday peeps.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Right There On My TV

So, how happy was I last night? Mulder and Scully have started gracing my screen with NEW episodes. NEW ones!! So totally excited right now. I can't believe I have to wait for Sunday now. Every. Single. Sunday. For the next 5 or so weeks. The first episode back really grabbed my attention.

This week, when I saw the prompt for I Must Confess over at My Home Truths, I knew I had to take part. You see, I probably watch way too much TV. I have a number of guilty TV pleasures. But, having a four year old, I don't really get to indulge them as much as I used to.

Here's my Top 5 - and believe me, it's hard to narrow down, plus I've used TV shows that I've stumbled across on Netflix.

In no particular order:

The Almighty Johnsons - A great New Zealand series about four brothers and their relative (I won't give it away), who are re-incarnated versions of Norse Gods. 

Sense8 - An awesome Netflix original series where one person can have 7 other connections to people, normally in different parts of the world.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Another Netflix original. Has a damn catchy theme song (watch it here). Laughs abound. 

Jane The Virgin - Catchy, but stupid. Sometimes I wanted to just stop watching, but I couldn't!

Stargate SG-1 - The ONLY series (apart from Firefly) that I own in its entirety. Enough said.

I'm a pretty open, straightforward person, so most people know that I watch these shows, but they give me so much stick about it, that I just give up listening to them these days, haha. 

Ok - enough of the distraction. It's killing me to sit here (in pain after physio) so I'd best sign off.

Keep an eye out for more confessions from me this year.

Linking up with Kirsty at My Home Truths for 

I Must Confess