Tegan at Musings of the Misguided has kindly nominated me for another award - the Liebster Award. I am feeling very special lately, as it's the second one she has nominted me for.
What is the Liebster Award, I hear you ask.
"The award is given to support and recognise up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers (on their blog) or likers (on their Facebook page). The word “Liebster” apparently has German origins and is reported to mean sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. By following some basic rules (answer 11 questions set by your nominee, write 11 questions of your own and pass the award onto 11other bloggers to answer) it enables readers to get to know new bloggers and connect with a wider audience."
Now herein lies a problem. I don't know 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers. I know Ann at Help!! I'm Stuck!! has already done her Liebster Award post, and all the other blogs I follow are quite popular. I feel terrible that I have no one else to pass this on to, so if you stumble across this post, and I haven't liked your Facebook page or follow your blog, please post the link in the comments, or find me on FB at Just One More Chapter and post your link or page there.
My question from Tegan are:
How long have you been blogging? Honestly, about 5 minutes. This is only post number 19 for me.
What was the first Blog you read? Musings of the Misguided.
How did you come up with the name for your Blog? I read a lot, and always tell myself to read "just one more chapter" before bed.
Summer or Winter? Winter - I hate feeling hot and sticky, I'm not a pool person and airconditioning costs a fortune to run. At least in Winter, I can just chuck on some jeans or trackpants and a jumper and be happy.
How do you start your day? Some days with a trip to the gym, others I get up to my one year old daughters babbling.
One thing you couldn't live without? My family
If you were stuck on a deserted island, who is one person you would like to be stuck with? Macguyver - he could get me out of any mess we find ourselves in and back home quick smart, with just a stick and a palm frond. And Richard Dean Anderson was kinda hot back then.
Your favourite indulgence food? Chocolate. I think. Or any food that I go out and eat that I don't have to cook or clean up after
Do you blog to a schedule? I usually always try to have an IBOT (I Blog On Tuesdays) post, but missed this week. Otherwise it's just when I get the fancy to do it.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? With my husband and daughter in Tasmania
Are you ready for Christmas? I think so. We've got a first birthday to get through first!
Congratulations! I've been tagged also and I have no idea who else to tag too! Chocolate's my fav too!